Repubblica Ceca


Alexander BUCHNER, Opera V Praze, Praha, Panto, 1985, 236 pp. [L.PRA.4]

Daniel Evan FREEMAN, The opera theater of Count Franz Anton von Sporck in Prague (1724-35), Ann Arbor, MI, UMI, 1987, 435 pp. (Diss., Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1987) [L.PRA.1]

Divadlo v Kotcich, 1739-1783: Nejstarsi Prazske Mestske Divadlo: Usporadal a redigoval Frantisek Cerny, Praha, Panorama, 1992, 478 pp. [L.PRA.2]

The Theater of the Estates: a guide through the buildings, Prague, National Theater, 1994, 119 pp. [L.PRA.5]

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